Friday, January 14, 2011

It's ALIVE!!!!

Can you believe it's been almost 5 months since I've posted here?!?

What's wrong with me to cause such an unacceptable delay? Aside from the more obviously flaws (trying to beat you to the punch, Peanut Gallery), I have some seriously amazing excuses.

First - the Impending Child is no longer impending! Wyatt Edwin Hudson was born at 1:37 pm, November 8th, 2010, weighing in at 8 pounds and measuring 21 inches in length. (Judging by the fact that I'm only 64 inches long, you can guess why my last trimester wasn't rife with blog posts. Just lots of languishing on my couch and complaining.)

Here's a picture of the second most handsome guy in my life. (I'm contractually obligated to give my husband first place.)

Isn't he kind of a doll?

Then on to my second piece of amazing news - we have a cover for HEREAFTER! You might have already seen this image floating around the web, but now you get an up-close view of this gorgeousness. Not to get all slobbery, but isn't it just dreamy? This isn't absolutely final, since my brilliant design team is going to add some blurbs I've received from some equally brilliant YA authors, but...still. LOVE this.


  1. Wow, that cover is beautiful!
    But not nearly as beautiful as your little boy. Congratulations!!!

  2. It really is crazy that all of this has happened for you in just one year!! Wow. Very proud of you!

  3. First, Wyatt is an adorable baby! I'm 24 weeks pregnant with our first son and I'm so excited to be having a boy! Our 6 year old daughter is excited too!

    Second, gorgeous book cover! I posted it yesterday on my blog. Love it!

  4. Beautiful boy and beautiful cover, Tara!

  5. Thanks, guys! And Wyatt says, "Yeah, I know I'm handsome." :)

  6. WOW the cover looks awesome, cannot wait to read it. Just found your blog and am looking forward to many exciting novel news:)

  7. Congratulations on the birth of your son and the cover reveal for HEREAFTER!
